The Decision on the Imprescriptibility of the Supreme Court Ruling 607/2020, of 13 November and its Necessary Examination from the Perspective of the right to Criminal Legality, Ex Art. 25 Ec And 7 Echr, on the Grounds of the Punitive Nature of the Ex

  • Cristina del Alcázar Viladomiu
    Universidad Pompeu Fabra


The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the Supreme Court’s decision to declare civil liability ex delicto imprescriptible is respectful of the fundamental right to criminal legality, ex Art. 25 EC and Art. 7 ECHR. There are normative and jurisprudential reasons that lead us to consider that nowadays civil liability ex delicto is not a purely civil obligation but rather a legal principle that has a punitive dimension and, therefore, the guarantees of Art. 25 EC and 7 ECHR are applicable. The Supreme Court does not consider such guarantees in its decision on imprescriptibility because it is based on the immobilist position that civil liability ex delicto is of a civil nature, devoid of any punitive content. This paper attempts to support the contrary position and, on the basis of this, to determine whether or not the decision on imprescriptibility is in accordance with Art. 25 EC and 7 ECHR
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Viladomiu, C. del A. (2023). The Decision on the Imprescriptibility of the Supreme Court Ruling 607/2020, of 13 November and its Necessary Examination from the Perspective of the right to Criminal Legality, Ex Art. 25 Ec And 7 Echr, on the Grounds of the Punitive Nature of the Ex. Revista Sistema Penal Crítico, 3, 73–90. Retrieved from

Author Biography

Cristina del Alcázar Viladomiu

Universidad Pompeu Fabra
The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the Supreme Court’s decision to declare civil liability ex delicto imprescriptible is respectful of the fundamental right to criminal legality, ex Art. 25 EC and Art. 7 ECHR. There are normative and jurisprudential reasons that lead us to consider that nowadays civil liability ex delicto is not a purely civil obligation but rather a legal principle that has a punitive dimension and, therefore, the guarantees of Art. 25 EC and 7 ECHR are applicable. The Supreme Court does not consider such guarantees in its decision on imprescriptibility because it is based on the immobilist position that civil liability ex delicto is of a civil nature, devoid of any punitive content. This paper attempts to support the contrary position and, on the basis of this, to determine whether or not the decision on imprescriptibility is in accordance with Art. 25 EC and 7 ECHR.