The urgent need for a procedure to identify victims of trafficking in human beings

With Special Consideration of the November 2022 draft of a New Comprehensive Law against Trafficking and Exploitation of Human Beings


In order to protect and provide comprehensive assistance to victims of trafficking and exploitation in human beings, it is first necessary to detect and identify them. Identification is a state’s obligation and a victim’s right, which depend on the exercise of other rights that shape their legal status. Without identification, there are no rights, and there is a need for a model and procedure to promote and ease this. This article unravels and analyzes the regulation of the identification of victims of trafficking and exploitation in the Spanish legal system, revealing serious deficits that must be corrected as a matter of urgency: the lack of the necessary legal rank of the current regulation, the absolute role and prominence of the police, the flawed configuration of the recovery and reflection period, the subordination of protection measures for foreign victims to the interests of migration policy or criminal prosecution, and, above all, the lack of a sufficiently defined administrative procedure for identification. These lacks and shortcomings, together with some proposals, will make it possible to assess the procedure designed in the preliminary draft of the Comprehensive Organic Law against trafficking and exploitation of human beings, approved by the Council of Ministers on November 29, 2022.
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