The socioeconomic reasons in the activity of the active subject as a generic aggravating factor of criminal responsibility

  • Néstor Orejón Sánchez de las Heras
    Universitat de València


The generic aggravating circumstance of discrimination provided for in the Criminal Code establishes a closed list of the reasons because of the legislator has decided to intervene by means of a punitive increase. This numerus clausus list has so far prevented its application in situations where the taxable person has been selected for being poor or for socio-economic reasons. Recently this discriminatory cause has been introduced so, in this paper, it is justifies the need for their inclusion and discusses the existing doctrinal debate as to whether their regulation as grounds for social exclusion or aporophobia is appropriate or on the other way, it is more appropriate to refer to socio-economic reasons as grounds for discrimination.
  • Referencias
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Orejón Sánchez de las Heras, N. (2023). The socioeconomic reasons in the activity of the active subject as a generic aggravating factor of criminal responsibility. Revista Sistema Penal Crítico, 2, 73–84. Retrieved from

Author Biography

Néstor Orejón Sánchez de las Heras

Universitat de València
The generic aggravating circumstance of discrimination provided for in the Criminal Code establishes aclosed list of the reasons because of the legislator has decided to intervene by means of a punitive increase.This numerus clausus list has so far prevented its application in situations where the taxable person has been selected for being poor or for socio-economic reasons. Recently this discriminatory cause has been introduced so, in this paper, it is justifies the need for their inclusion and discusses the existing doctrinal debate as to whether their regulation as grounds for social exclusion or aporophobia is appropriate or on the other way, it is more appropriate to refer to socio-economic reasons as grounds for discrimination