Immigration and Delinquency: Half-Lies Versus Half-Truths

  • Leopoldo Puente Rodríguez


It is the main aim of this paper to argue that it is not possible to defend simultaneously that the migrant population does not commit more crimes that the domestic one and other three basic and traditional tenets of a progressive criminal policy: human beings are, in essence, very similar, social exclusion promotes crime, and migrants are especially excluded. In this context, not all these assertions can be true at the same time. Moreover, to defend the first statement (that migrants do not commit more crimes; the empirically weakest one) may paradoxically contribute to undermine some of the mostimportant messages that a progressive criminal policy currently intends to put through. On the other hand, it cannot be surprising that migrants commit more crimes and no consequences should be drawn from this “raw datum” (without context or interpretation).
  • Referencias
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Puente Rodríguez, L. (2023). Immigration and Delinquency: Half-Lies Versus Half-Truths. Revista Sistema Penal Crítico, 1, 165–178. Retrieved from