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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • - The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
    - The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.
    - Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
    - Text is single-spaced; 12 point font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs); and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text, rather than at the end.
    - The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which

Author Guidelines

The journal Sistema Penal Crítico is published annually on a rolling annual basis. The closing date for the submission of original articles for the current year is 15 October each year. If you wish to publish with us, please send us your article, adapted to the publication rules, through the website of Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca since 2024 and, by referral, on the website of the Criminal Law area (



  1. Item format and name

Papers must be submitted in Word format and anonymised. They must be sent before 15 October to the following website:
The name of the document will be given by the initials of the author's name and surname, followed by a hyphen and the abbreviation of the type of article in question: studies: Est.; comments: Com.; reviews: Res. and debates: Deb. Examples: IBG-Est.docx; APC-Com.docx; WPG-Res.docx.


  1. Writing rules

It is recommended that the length be as follows:
- Studies: A minimum of 15 pages and a maximum of 30 pages.
- Comments on legislation and jurisprudence: Maximum 10 pages.
- Bibliographical reviews: Maximum 2 pages.
They must be written in Times New Roman, 11, single-spaced (1 pt.), with 6 pt. spacing between paragraphs.) The beginning of the paragraph should be indented to the left (1). The text should be justified. Footnotes should also be written in Times New Roman font, size 10, single-spaced (1), with no space between paragraphs.
The different sections of the work must be individualised with Arabic numerals that distinguish headings 1., 2., 3. etc. and sub-headings 1.1.,


  1. Author data

In the corresponding section of the web it must be indicated (NEVER IN THE DOCUMENT OF THE ARTICLE):
- Title of the paper
- Name and surname of the author
- Institutional affiliation, company or university to which he/she belongs, country.
- Email address
- Project in which the article is framed, if applicable, funding body
- Declaration of originality of the article and absence of previous publication.


  1. Presentation of the article

The document containing the article must include, in this order:
- Title of the article in Spanish.
- Title of the article in another language (preferably English, Italian or Portuguese): in italics.
- An extract in Spanish and in a second language of those mentioned, of a maximum of 15 lines (in italics in the second language).
- A list of three to five key words in both languages (in italics in the second language).
- A summary with Arabic numerals 1., 1.1.,, etc.


  1. References

In any case, for reasons of academic honesty, sources and bibliographical references should be included in footnotes and in a final section of bibliographical references. Sources and bibliographical references, provided they are relevant to the work and appear in the final section of references, should always be included in the footnotes.

Bibliographical references, both through footnotes (in the text) and in the final section of the work (bibliography), must follow the international system UNE-ISO 690: 2013, the essential standards of which are as follows:

5.1. Magazine articles

The following order shall be followed:
SURNAME, First name. Title of the article. Journal. Year, vol.(no.), pages.
Example: BARBERO SANTOS, Marino. Estado constitucional de Derecho y sistema penal. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. 2013, n.º 1, pp. 301-310.
If the journal is online, the link to the website from which it has been retrieved should be included at the end of the citation and the last date of consultation. The following order should therefore be followed:
SURNAME, First name. Title of the article. Journal [online]. Year, vol.(no.), pages, [date of consultation]. Available at: Doi: article link.
Example: CEREZO MIR, José. Reflexiones críticas sobre algunas manifestaciones de la moderna tendencia a incrementar el rigor en la exigencia de responsabilidad criminal. Revista Penal [online]. 2018, n.º 22, pp. 16-21 [date of consultation: 12/05/2020]. Available at :

5.2. Book chapter

SURNAME, First name. Title of the chapter. In Surname, First name of the person responsible for the complete work. Title of the book. [Designation of support]. Edition. Place of publication: publisher, year of publication. Number of pages. [Availability and access].
Example: BARBERO SANTOS, Marino. Medios de comunicación y proceso penal. In Diego Díaz-Santos, M.ª Rosario (Coord.) Criminalidad, medios de comunicación y proceso penal. Madrid: Dykinson, 2000, pp. 131-158.

5.3. Book or other monographic resources, such as reports

SURNAME, First name. Title of the book or resource. [Designation of the medium]. Edition number. Place of publication: Publisher, year.
Example: BARBERO SANTOS, Marino. Marginación social y derecho represivo. Barcelona: Editorial Bosch, 1980.

5.4. Press article

If the press article has been published on paper:
SURNAME, First name, year. "Title of the article. Newspaper or magazine, day of month of publication, pages.
Example: ESPINOSA, Saúl, 2018. Fleeing from hell without a happy ending. El Mundo. 4 July, pp. 24-25.
If the article has been retrieved from an online journal:
SURNAME, First name. "Title of the article. Newspaper or magazine, day of month and year of publication [date of consultation]. Retrieved from: article link
Example: AZUMENDI, Eduardo. "El Constitucional autoriza la ley vasca sobre los clubes de cannabis porque no los regula"., 15 March 2018 [date accessed: 19/05/2020]. Retrieved from:

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.