Memories of places and Histories of Regions Among the Pima


In this paper, I propose to contrast the notions about the past related to the world of the Pima; those that correspond to the narratives of the social actors themselves and those that emerge from the analyst's gaze. I will review, on the one hand, the historical regions called Pimerías that constitute a first exercise of cultural delimitation on northwestern Mexico. These are areas identified from records and documents that established whatwas said by the missionaries and colonizers of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. On the other hand, I will approach the places where the Pimas live, which they trace with their daily practices and point out in their ritual processes, where they establish continuity in time and space with those who preceded them and with those who will follow them. Contemporary Pimas have taken the reins of their culture; they distance themselves from those with whom others have united them in regions traced from history, to approach those who participate with them in the design of a future rooted in their memory.
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