Historical memory in the use of land in Huejúcar and Tlalcosagua at the end of the colonial period


The use of the memory and the past of the colotlecos indians, in particular of the indigenous people of Huejúcar and Tlalcosagua, will be analyzed through a trial followed against the hacienda La Quemada, in the last decades of the colonial period. The objective is to show the historical construction in the acquisition of land to curb the territorial advance of La Quemada. The indigenous of both towns belonged to the government of the borders of Colotlán, which granted them privileges obtained since 1591 with the creation of the border government and the arrival of tlaxcaltecan families to pacify and sedentary the area. The privileges granted in 1591 continued to be used as a historical resource until the end of the colonial period. In this article I analyze a land trial where indigenous and landowners confronted each other, and I study what the bases for the access to land of both actors were.
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