Spin memories to weave history: Towards a textile anthropology in Oaxaca


Parting from the study of ritual traditions in some indigenous groups of Oaxaca, I approached traditional textiles as canvases that display different ways to «be in the world.» Soon, the attention towards textile plagiarism grew alarmingly in the past five years, which made me turn my ethnographic focus to respond to petitions made from different communities that searched protection for their textiles. These became the center-object around which it was suddenly necessary to ponder. If textiles are positioned as «another scheme of communication» that bring to the table a reacquainted idea of indigenous memory, that reshape identities and generate new meanings, it is therefore relevant to evaluate them ethnologically, in the understanding that they are narratives that can be read, reproduced, and modified at will. Bearing this in mind, I am interested in approaching their role as a structural aspect of contemporary histories, that steer between tradition and modernity.
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