Technology as the Basis of a Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Territory

  • Jorge Vega Núñez
  • Noé Vázquez González
    Centro Tecnológico INTECCA
  • Martín Santos Domínguez
    Centro Tecnológico INTECCA
  • Marta Vázquez González
    Centro Tecnológico INTECCA


the intecca technological center has generated a network of training, information and communication services that, based on an open innovation approach, knowledge transfer and return on investment, can contribute to sustainable development. in this way, it has served as the basis for the launch of the northwest territorial observatory, the chair of sustainable tourism and local development and, in response to the covid crisis, it has experienced an increase in activity that is assuming the necessary technological adaptation, optimization and resizing based on an open and collaborative approach that is being the germ of a center for innovation and entrepreneurship in the territory.
  • Referencias
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Author Biography

Jorge Vega Núñez

Director del Centro Tecnológico INTECCA-UNED Avenida de Astorga, 15 Edificio UNED Campus universitario de El Boerzo Ponferrada 24401 (León)