Heritage and Tourism in the Context of Sustainable Development: «Villar del Monte» Case (León, Spain)

  • Carmen Hidalgo-Alcázar
    Universidad de León mhida[at]unileon.es
  • Ana Lanero
    Universidad de León
  • José Luis Vázquez
    Universidad de León


The tourist activity experiences changes. Nowadays tourists demand nature and culture, not just sun and sand. New tourists and therefore new tourist products appear on the scene. In turn, there is a notable interest and concern for the preservation and enhancement of heritage objects and places. Thus, the patrimonial nature of objects and places is one of the characteristics of tourist destinations valued by current demand. In this context, from the academic field, the studies that address the theme of the tourist valuation of heritage are developing increasingly. The objective of this work is to reflect on the relationship established between tourism and heritage in the context of sustainable development. As a specific case, we will talk about traditional culture as a resource to combat depopulation in Villar del Monte, an enclave in the León region of La Cabrera that was transformed into a museum-town to preserve its peculiar ethnography.
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Hidalgo-Alcázar, C., Lanero, A., & Vázquez, J. L. (2021). Heritage and Tourism in the Context of Sustainable Development: «Villar del Monte» Case (León, Spain). Revista Euroamericana De Antropología, (10), 163–176. https://doi.org/10.14201/rea202010163176


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