Consumption and ways to make a living in Oxkutzcab, «The Yucatan Garden», México

  • Ana Bella Pérez Castro
    Instituto de Investigaciones Antropólogicas, UNAM-México anabella.pc[at]
  • Julián Dzul
    Posgrado en Estudios Mesoamericanos, UNAM-México
  • Abraham Colli
    Posgrado en Estudios Mesoamericanos, UNAM-México


This communication presents the contemporary way of earning a living in Oxkutzcab (Yucatán), a municipality where throughout its history various ways of achieving social reproduction of its inhabitants have been recreated, in accordance with the dynamics that are marking the development of capitalism in Mexico. «La huerta de Yucatán» as its name indicates, was from the decade of the fifties of the last century, a productive space that supplied the Yucatan market and neighboring states of vegetables and various fruit trees. In this sense, the economy of the place revolved basically around this mode of production, which brought together various types of productive relationships exercised through cultivation, marketing and intermediation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as of the end of the century, this specialization breaks down in the face of the impact of neoliberal politics and other forms of earning a living arise - migration, commerce and the maquila of hipillas - which implies other forms of social relations and the reorganization of family units to achieve consumption and with it, social reproduction.
  • Referencias
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Pérez Castro, A. B., Dzul, J., & Colli, A. (2019). Consumption and ways to make a living in Oxkutzcab, «The Yucatan Garden», México. Revista Euroamericana De Antropología, (7), 119/133.


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Author Biographies

Ana Bella Pérez Castro

Instituto de Investigaciones Antropólogicas, UNAM-México
Instituto de Investigaciones Antropólogicas, UNAM-México

Julián Dzul

Posgrado en Estudios Mesoamericanos, UNAM-México
Posgrado en Estudios Mesoamericanos, UNAM-México

Abraham Colli

Posgrado en Estudios Mesoamericanos, UNAM-México
Posgrado en Estudios Mesoamericanos, UNAM-México