School initiatives and work with the community: contributions of anthropology to reflect on the relation between education and context

  • Laura Santillán
    Departamento de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. laursantillan[at]


In this article, we will analyse the meanings that assume the current lines of action centred on the relations between schools and community. We refer to proposals that urge the schooling spaces and those dedicated to the attention of childhood to carry out a sustained work with their immediate contexts, in order to achieve an integral approach of educational trajectories. We are interested in unveiling the orientations that the general outlines (produced by the state or not) undertake, as well as the appropriations that take place in the contexts of action of the subjects. We will base our analysis on the developments of the anthropological and ethnographic research that we have been carrying out in the suburbs of Buenos Aires City (known as “Gran Buenos Aires”), Argentina. To these ethnographic records, we will add those obtained through university transference activities, focused on the relations between schools, social organizations and childhoods. The intention of this article is to recover the contributions of long-term anthropological tradition for the denaturalization of assumptions and meanings regarding the relations between education and context.
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Santillán, L. (2018). School initiatives and work with the community: contributions of anthropology to reflect on the relation between education and context. Revista Euroamericana De Antropología, (6), 75–85.


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