Anthropology and interculturality: reflections from the experiences of indige-nous people to higher education in Mato Grosso do Sul / Brazil Antropología e Interculturalidad – reflexiones a partir de las experiencias de indígenas en la educación superior


The intercultural collaboration in the experiences of access and the permanence of indigenous people in the Institutions of Higher Education in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul / Brazil has been marked by ambivalences and possibilities. The objective of this paper is to problematize the motivations and challenges of indigenous students, when they seek access to education in universities in a special way, when it comes to access to so-called regular and postgraduate courses, from a look of Anthropology. We analyze the debate about the need for an improvement of public policies and collaborative intercultural actions directed at indigenous peoples. The research has a qualitative character, having as a theoretical contribution the contributions of Anthropology and post-colonial studies and regarding the procedures we resorted to bibliographic review, documentary analysis, and some semi-structured interviews, as well as the experience of coexistence with post- University graduate. The data consulted and the analysis of the narratives of indigenous students point to a significant increase in the IES in the last 5 years, after the implementation of Federal Law No. 12.711 (2012). We understand that this demand is configured as another mechanism of the original indigenous peoples who, in search of sustainability and otherness, resort to higher education as a political space for affirmation and minimization of social inequalities. In this sense, the results indicate that the policies of access and permanence need to be guided by observing the differentiated conditions of these subjects, so that they do not translate into homogenizing acts, and further exacerbate the social inequalities built into the colonial project. They also suggest that these policies create tensions and the need to reconceptualize colonialism, current coloniality, as well as the need to redefine interculturality from Anthropology itself in the interface with education.
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Aguilera Urquiza, A. H. (2018). Anthropology and interculturality: reflections from the experiences of indige-nous people to higher education in Mato Grosso do Sul / Brazil Antropología e Interculturalidad – reflexiones a partir de las experiencias de indígenas en la educación superior. Revista Euroamericana De Antropología, (6), 47–61.


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