«Pitos» and «gallinitas», an endemic traditional game based on the local geological background (Quintanilla Cabrera, Burgos, Spain)


An autochthonous and endemic game of the town of Quintanilla Cabrera (Burgos, Spain) is here documented and characterised. It includes a detailed description of where and how the game was played, and outlines the rules and materials necessary to play it, providing an explanation of the anthropological and social substratum that underpin it. The game involved taking turns to show ability and dexterity in handling certain fossils (Terebratula sp. and Rynchonella sp.) collected in the geological terrain while farming labours. The practice of this game is restricted solely to this small area of the province of Burgos, with no references to the game being made in even in the closest sur-rounding villages. The decline in traditional agricultural practices in the area and a lack of a coherent way of passing the information on oral transmission (via word of mouth), mean this leisure manifestation, which is part of the local non-material cultural heritage and is not practised now a days, is in danger of dying out.
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Hernández, J. M. (2018). «Pitos» and «gallinitas», an endemic traditional game based on the local geological background (Quintanilla Cabrera, Burgos, Spain). Revista Euroamericana De Antropología, (6), 21–33. https://doi.org/10.14201/rea201862133


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