Towards a unified management of the cultural and natural space of Médulas: Theoretical longing and urgent needs


The Roman Empire extracted, two thousand years ago, from the zone of "Las Médulas" gold mineral through complex systems of exploitation whose vestiges, together with the geological characteristics of the land and at the same time, have conformed a unique place that today, Two millennia later and it has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 199, is visited by thousands of people every year with notable consequences in areas such as heritage, territorial, socio-political or economic. Managing this patrimonial resource adequately represents a challenge that has been faced, from the referred International Declaration, public and private institutions, reaching a situation that recommends moving towards the unification of existing assets around a management model that, from the quality , reconcile the interests of all existing actors in the territory included in the already Cultural and Natural Space of Las Medulas, incorporating criteria not only economic but of integral dimension from the patrimonial point of view
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