Our mother the young Wexika eagle: the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Wixarika mythology


In the Wixarika (huichol) tradition, the image of the virgin of Guadalupe is an element of enormous importance. In her honor are held constant sacrifices of bulls and she is credited with the origin of the cattle. Pictures and flags with the virgin appear in any ritual celebration. Her ambiguous image seemed to get confused with Christ and the eagle that appears in the Mexican national coat. This is only a fragment of a wide network of associations for structuring and incorporate elements of modernity and justify the relationships and differences between Wixaritari and non-indigenous. This article explores the way in which this image is projected in mythology.
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Medina Miranda, H. M. (2015). Our mother the young Wexika eagle: the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Wixarika mythology. Revista Euroamericana De Antropología, 49–58. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cuatro/index.php/2387-1555/article/view/31669


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