Representation of venezuelan migrants in the peruvian media and its influence on peruvian public opinion in the years 2019-2020


Venezuelan migration is unprecedented in the history of Latin America and, especially, in Peru (a country with little or no experience in receiving migrants). Venezuelan migration brings with it a social reconfiguration in the country of destination, in this case, Peru. This is very important to analyze from the perspective of the media and its influence on public opinion. The general objective of this article is to know how Venezuelan migrants are represented through the newspaper Trome (newspaper with the highest consumption at the national level) and how migrants are perceived by Peruvian public opinion. Research is basic, because it allows us to know a reality. Likewise, it is exploratory. In this study, a triangulation of data was performed. In order to know how migrants are represented, a content analysis of the Trome newspaper was carried out; likewise, to know public opinion, the comments of news consumers from different online portals were analyzed; In the same way, to complement this last point, an analysis of an online survey aimed at Peruvians was carried out. Regarding the results of this research, it was observed that there are three recurring fears regarding migration, which «give meaning» to the anti-immigration discourse: fear of competition for economic resources (mainly work); fear of physical insecurity (criminal culture with which the migrant is associated); and fear of loss of national or cultural identity (by pointing out Venezuelans as the «others» and very different in customs from Peruvians.
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