Performing the Basque Identity

Cultural Diversity through Athletic Bilbao


Athletic Bilbao (football team located in the Basque Country) is known within the football environment due to its policy of players. According to this, it only fields «local» footballers, defining «local» as those who were either born and/or raised in any of the seven provinces composing Euskal Herria. Thus, considering the club as a definer of Basqueness, this text sets as a general objective to analyze the performativity of the Basque identity(ies) through Athletic Bilbao. It is subdivided into a specific objective: to describe how the increasing of cultural diversity happening in Bizkaia/Basque Country in the last decades has been represented in the explicit-and-implicit practices and identity discourses within the club’s policy. Two methodologies have been combined: a) media content analysis and b) semi-structured interviews with 25 team fans (Basques and non-Basques) about the ethnic variable regarding migration (Ganea case) and the concept of «Blackness» (Iñaki Williams case). We observe Athletic Bilbao’s policy of players to play a fundamental role in the identity renegotiation of Basqueness. Given that winning trophies does not seem to be a sine qua non goal for the team, the narrative and/or representative reconfiguration of cultural diversity will be based on the relevance of players and the embodiment of certain social values linked to the club and its fandom.
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