Celebrating various past: processes of visibility and afro memories in Argentina


This article is a part of a research aimed at inquiring about the relation between the new ways of visibilization of the African origin population in Argentina and the construction process of the subalterns memories. For this purpose, it focuses on the “black memories” as social process that give sense to the past and that establish themselves in the hegemonic white narrative interstices allowing new ways of identification and senses of belonging, at the same time the black memories support claims for historically denied rights. Following the idea according to which memories are cultural and historically placed constructs, we focuse on the conmemorations because they offer a privileged instance for the installation, circulation and transmission of meanings and practices regarding the past on the part of the various actors involved. In particular we place our selves ethnographically in the ceremonias produced to conmemorate the Afroargentinian and Afro-culture National Day celebrated since 2013.
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Monkevicius, P. (2016). Celebrating various past: processes of visibility and afro memories in Argentina. Revista Euroamericana De Antropología, (3), 49–56. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/cuatro/index.php/2387-1555/article/view/18830


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