The Indian as ecological subject: the U’wa’s case

  • Geovanny Durán López
    Instituto de Investigaciones Antropologicas de Castilla y León espina[at]


Deterioration of ecosystems and progressive depletion of natural resources and animal species have generated concern in different social groups and developed their ecological awareness. The u'wa conflict with the Colombian State and the transnational oil companies is a clear example that demonstrates, on the one hand the violation of the territories of many native groups and to their cultural integrity and, on the other hand, that the irresponsible use on the part of the western society of the goods offered by nature is leading to the total destruction of the planet. The coincidences between indigenous thought and the environmentalist ideology have arisen from the need that has both one and the other to protect the necessary means to preserve life.
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CALAVIA SÁEZ, Óscar (2006). El indio ecológico: diálogos a través del espejo. Revista de Occidente 298: 27-42.

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DURÁN LÓPEZ, Geovanny (2016). Conflicto socio-ambiental en el território u´wa. Un análisis del conflicto entre indígenas y Estado colombiano en torno al desarrollo, el médio ambiente y la cultura. Editorial Vivelibro. Madrid.

DURO MONTEALEGRE, Rosa María (2014). El territorio en la cosmovisión indígena como prerrequisito para el etnodesarrollo: la amenaza érica Latina. Ponencia presentada en el II Congreso Internacional de Estudios del Desarrollo, Huelva, 16 y 17 de junio de 2014.

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Durán López, G. (2017). The Indian as ecological subject: the U’wa’s case. Revista Euroamericana De Antropología, (4), 92–101. Retrieved from


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