Exploring Cryptoasset Fingerprinting through Open Sourcing


The use of cryptoassets has experienced a notable increase in recent years, introducing a series of new concepts into the Spanish economy. This phenomenon has allowed users to operate in new ways, which comes with a number of inherent advantages and risks that they should be aware of. The advantages associated with these financial assets have created a demand that has caused more and more individuals to make use of them. This attraction has translated into a greater presence of cryptoassets in police investigations as they are increasingly used as a means of payment, promoted as investments with quick returns and even used in money laundering operations from all types of crimes. The versatility in their use and their increasingly marked presence in society poses significant challenges for authorities, who must, without limiting the legitimate opportunities that cryptoassets can offer, adapt their legislation to safeguard the population against the possible associated risks and promote their responsible and safe use. In this sense, the Security Forces are obliged to protect citizens in this new virtual environment presented to us.
  • Referencias
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Blockchair (2023). Buscador público de cadena de bloques o blockchain. https://blockchair.com/es

Blockchain Explorer (2023). Buscador público de cadena de bloques o blockchain. https://www.blockchain.com/es/explorer

Callejo, C. y Ronco, V. (2020). Criptomonedas para dummies. Grupo Planeta.

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Etherscan (2023b). Listado completo de tokens ERC-20. https://etherscan.io/tokens

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Tronscan (2023). Buscador público de cadena de bloques o blockchain. https://tronscan.org/#/

Wallet Explorer (2023). Buscador público de cadena de bloques o blockchain. https://www.walletexplorer.com/
Díaz Bernardos, A. (2024). Exploring Cryptoasset Fingerprinting through Open Sourcing. Ciencia Policial, 182, 271–311. https://doi.org/10.14201/cp.31816