About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Ciencia Policial aims to disseminate scientific publications of products resulting from research that are useful to police institutions, sharing knowledge on methods and techniques that facilitate their training, modernization and updating.

Peer review process

The Editors and the Editorial Board of Ciencia Policial will review studies, essays and research and submit them for external evaluation.

The review and evaluation system will be carried out by blind or double-blind peers. Two experts in the area under evaluation external to the Editorial Board will review each study, essay or research and will issue a report based on scientific quality criteria. In case of discrepancy, it will be submitted to the judgment of a third person, who will settle the conflict of opinion.

Those who wish to apply to be external reviewers may do so through the section dedicated to that effect. By accepting, reviewers adhere to the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers and the Guide to Good Practice for Scientific Journals of Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.

The decision on the acceptance, rejection or proposal of modifications of the papers, made by the journal's management and based on the reports of the external evaluators, will be communicated to the authors within a maximum period of 180 days. In case the acceptance of the study, essay or research is conditioned to the realization of some modifications, the authors will be asked to incorporate the suggestions made by the external evaluators to the original text. Once the appropriate changes have been made, the authors will resubmit the article to the journal, which will be reviewed by the Editorial Board.

The originals finally accepted will be identified by DOI code and will be published in the first volume with page availability. The editors reserve the right of publication.

All studies, research and essays accepted for publication will be reviewed by copy editors, who will make appropriate comments, if necessary.

The proofreading of galley proofs will be carried out by the authors themselves within the time limit established by the Editorial Board. In the event that the authors do not respond within the established time, the Editors will assume the task, following the original texts.

Authors who request a certificate of acceptance of publication of their manuscripts will receive this document signed by the Editor of the Journal by email and it will have a provisional character until the final publication of the article.

Ciencia Policial is not responsible for the ideas and opinions of the authors of the papers, nor for the spelling and other formalities of the writing, although, in any case, rigor, precision and correctness in the language are required.

Frequency of publication

Ciencia Policial has a fixed periodicity of two (2) issues per year, publishing the articles accepted in early access.

No charge for article submission or open access publication

Article submission and publication is free of charge (APC).

Permission to self-archive and digital preservation

Authors are authorized to publish their work on the Internet (for example, in institutional repositories or personal web pages) always after editing (in no case before revision, layout or even in the proofreading phase).

Ciencia Policial is preserved in the two main repositories of the University of Salamanca:

It is also preserved in LOCKSS.


Articles submitted will be published in Spanish.

Publication and editing ethics

By submitting their work to Ciencia Policial, authors accept the Good Practice Guidelines established by Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, which adhere to the international agreements set forth in the COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the International Standards for editors and authors published by the  Committee on Publication Ethics.

Ciencia Policial uses Turnitin software to analyze manuscripts for non-original materials and works. Authors, by sending originals to Ciencia Policial, are accepting that their contributions will be analyzed by the software during the peer review and editing processes of the journal. Please note that articles by authors who do not adhere to these conditions will be automatically rejected.

Good editorial practices in gender equity

The journal Ciencia Policial adopts the following commitments in relation to the fulfillment of good editorial practices in terms of gender equality:

  • Its commitment to achieve parity in its different journal bodies, as well as in the authorship of external reports.
  • The inclusion of the full name (not the first initial of the first name) of the authors of published works.
  • Adheres to the United Nations goal of “expressing oneself orally and in writing without discriminating against a particular sex, social gender or gender identity and without perpetuating gender stereotypes” (https://www.un.org/es/gender-inclusive-language/index.shtml).
  • Ciencia Policial recommends that authors report, where relevant, whether the source data of the research is sex-sensitive to allow for the identification of possible differences.


Articles will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). license.

This license allows others to remix, tweak and build upon your work for non-commercial purposes. New creations must acknowledge your authorship, may not be used commercially, and must be licensed under an equivalent license.


Ciencia Policial endorses the “San Francisco Declaration on Research Evaluation” - DORA.

Record of the source of funding of published articles

The funding agency(ies) external to USAL should be indicated, stating the code(s) of the project(s) in the framework of which the research that has given rise to the publication of the article has been carried out. This information should be referenced by the author in the acknowledgements in the article itself. The author in charge of uploading the article to “eUSAL Revistas” should include this metadata at the time of the proposal and in the corresponding section.

Use of interoperability protocols

The OAI-PMH protocol is used with the route https://revistas.usal.es/cuatro/index.php/2254-0326/oai.