Fonseca, Journal of Communication

Journal out of circulation

Consejo científico

Daniel ACLE VICENTE, Department of Sociology and Communication. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Salamanca. Spain

José Luis ALONSO BERROCAL, Department of Computer Science and Automation. Faculty of Translation and Documentation. University of Salamanca, USAL Spain

José Ignacio AGUADED GÓMEZ, Department of Education. University of Huelva. Spain

Alejandro ÁLVAREZ NOBELL. Faculty of Communication. Malaga University. Spain

Juan BONIFACIO LORENZO. Director of the Filmoteca de Asturias. Spain

Elena CALVO ORTEGA, Department of Sociology and Communication. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Salamanca Spain

Roser CALAF MASACHS. Department of Didactics and School Education. Education Faculty. Oviedo University. Spain

Dolores CALVO SÁNCHEZ, Department of Administrative, Financial and Procedural Law. Law School. University of Salamanca. Spain

Fernando Javier, CANET CENTELLAS. Department of Audiovisual Communication, Documentation and Art History. Faculty of Fine Arts. Valencia. Spain.

José Luis CANO DE GARDOQUI GARCÍA. Department of Art History. University of Valladolid.Spain

Patricia CASTELLANO PINEDA. Department of Arts and Humanities and Communication Studies. Open University of Catalonia Spain

Lifen CHENG LEE, Department of Sociology and Communication. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Salamanca. Spain

Alisson DIAS GÓMES, Faculdades Santo Agostinho - FASA. Brazil

Juan Carlos de la MARDID, Film History Research Center. Spain

José Manuel DE PABLOS COELLO, University of La Laguna, ULL (Tenerife-Canary Islands) Spain

Carmen FONSECA MORA, Department of English Philology. University of Huelva. Spain

José Antonio FRÍAS, Department of Library Science and Documentation. University of Salamanca. Spain

Francisco Javier FRUTOS ESTEBAN, Department of Sociology and Communication. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Salamanca Spain

Milagros GARCÍA GAJATE, Department of Sociology and Communication. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Salamanca Spain

Francisco GARCÍA GARCÍA, Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, Complutense University of Madrid. Spain

Ana GARCÍA VALCÁRCEL MUÑOZ-REPISO, Department of Didactics, Organization and Research Methods. Education Faculty. Spain

Mariana GÓMEZ, Faculty of Psychology. National University of Cordoba. Argentina

Agustín GÓMEZ GÓMEZ, Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. Malaga University. Spain

José GÓMEZ ISLA, Department of Art History - Fine Arts. University of Salamanca. Spain

Inmaculada GORDILLO ÁLVAREZ, Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. Sevilla University. Spain

Manuel GONZÁLEZ DE ÁVILA, Spanish Language Department. University of Salamanca. Spain

María Eugenia GONZÁLEZ ALAFITA, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education. Mexico

José Luis GÓNZALEZ-ESTEBAN, Department of Social and Human Sciences. Faculty of journalism. Miguel Hernández University. Spain

María Luisa IBÁÑEZ MARTÍNEZ, Department of Sociology and Communication. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Salamanca. Spain

Juan José IGARTUA PEROSANZ, Department of Sociology and Communication. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Salamanca. Spain

Gloria JIMÉNEZ MARÍN. Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. Sevilla University. Spain

Maricela LÓPEZ ORNELAS, Autonomous University of Baja California, Institute for Educational Research and Development. Mexico

Nereida LÓPEZ VIDALES, Department of Modern and Contemporary History of America. Journalism. Audiovisual Communication and Advertising Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. University of Valladolid Spain

Patricia LORENZO BARTOLOMÉ, Project manager and technology consultant. madrid Spain

Pilar MARQUÉS SÁNCHEZ, Nursing and Phisioteraphy. University of León. Spain.

Concha MATEOS MATIN, Department of Communication Sciences 2. Rey Juan Carlos University. Spain

Elena MEDINA DE LA VIÑA, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. Rey Juan Carlos University. Spain

Rafael MENÉNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ, Department of Geography and History. University of Oviedo, Spain

Juan MICHEL FARIÑA, Faculty of Psychology. Argentina

Mercedes MIGUEL BORRÁS, Department of Modern, Contemporary and American History, Journalism and Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. -University of Valladolid. Spain

José Luis MOLINUEVO, Department of Philosophy, Logic and Aesthetics. University of Salamanca. Spain

Joaquín MORENO AGUILAR, Faculty of Social Communication. University of Azuay. Basin. Ecuador

Pedro Javier PARDO GARCÍA, Department of English Philology. University of Salamanca. Spain

Nekane PAREJO JIMÉNEZ, Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the University of Malaga. Spain

Vicente PEÑA TIMÓN, Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the University of Malaga. Spain

José Antonio PÉREZ BOWIE, Department of Spanish and Hispano-American Literature. University of Salamanca. Spain

José PESTANO RODRÍGUEZ, Faculty of Information Sciences of the University of La Laguna. Tenerife. Spain

Belén PUEBLA MARTÍNEZ. C. Department of Education, Language, Culture and Arts, CC. Historical-Legal and Humanistic and Modern Languages. Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences, Rey Juan Carlos University. Madrid. Spain

Germán RAMALLO ASENSIO, Department of Art History. University of Murcia. Spain

Inmaculada RODRÍGUEZ CUNILL, Painting Department. Sevilla University. Spain

Ana SEDEÑO VALDELLOS, Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the University of Malaga. Spain

Xosé SOENGAS PÉREZ, Department of Communication Sciences. University of Santiago de Compostela Spain

María DAS GRAÇAS TARGINO, State University of Piauí. Brazil

Victoria TUR VIÑES, Department of Communication and Social Psychology of the University of Alicante. Spain

Begoña ZALBIDEA BENGOA, Department of Journalism. University of the Basque Country. Bilbao. Spain