Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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The scientific gaze and the artistic gaze in the representation of human oddities

approaches and bifurcations in the study of body diversity since the sixteenth century


Since its origins, data analysis has turned to visual representation to find and offer explanations. Storage and processing capacities are steadily growing thanks to the advancement of computing. At the same time, thanks to technological democratization, artistic contributions in data visualization have multiplied, providing new creative forms and different approaches from those of science. This article looks at the reciprocal influences between the arts and sciences around data visualizations. We present a panoramic view of Data Visualization through an analysis of both the dedication in the various disciplines to this topic collected in the primary bibliographic databases and the growing community of practice that currently welcomes scientists, designers, artists and other professional profiles. Through a series of historical examples ranging from prehistory to the present, we discuss various lines of influence in which art and science have led to advances in the communication of phenomena or the posing of questions based on data. Finally, we offer some reflections on the challenges that Data Visualization faces and the opportunities derived from them.
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