Fonseca, Journal of Communication

Journal out of circulation

How to Save the World Trying not to Being Late for Class: Teenage Hero’s Journey in «Runaways» and «Cloak and Dagger»


The 21st century has witnessed the rebirth or rediscovery of the classical superhero stories, thanks to the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, this success has been replicated, so far, into other screens such us TV. Moreover, the serialized television format has allowed Marvel to show other kind of tales not so suitable for the big screen. We are talking about narratives of teen superheroes, inspired by the comic-book sidekick tradition. This paper seeks to analyze the origin stories of main superhero characters in Cloak and Dagger and Runaways series, emphasizing the problems and the context for a hero apprentice when he or she is a teenager too. For this task, we will rely on some of the most well-known characteristics of the Bildungsroman or coming-of-age genre.
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Sánchez López, P. (2020). How to Save the World Trying not to Being Late for Class: Teenage Hero’s Journey in «Runaways» and «Cloak and Dagger». Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (21), 17.


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