Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Filming and Seeing Yourself in the Mirror: The Self-Representation of Portuguese and Brazilian Women and Documentary-Filmmakers


Self-writing has been constituted as an exercise in self-analysis and representation of many women, especially in the artistic field and, particularly, in the cinematographic one. Focusing on the cinema in Portuguese, it is easy to find a small number of women who have had the opportunity of directing fiction films, which is opposed to a greater number of filmmakers directing documentaries Among these, are being more noticed the ones who reviewed, successfullyand awarded in different international film festivals, the images of the family, on both sides of the Atlantic, in two Portuguese-speaking countries. In Brazil, Petra Costa and Maria Clara Escobar are two examples. In Portugal, Catarina Mourão, Margarida Leitão and Leonor Teles follow the same movement, revisiting the family archive.In the films of these memory collectors, a pre-existing family tree gains new contours, through the compulsion of the filmmakers to film and tell a story that is theirs, without their understanding or living in fullness. Destabilized, the filmmakers direct destabilizing films, which attribute a sense to their restlessness.
  • Referencias
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Pereira, A. C. (2019). Filming and Seeing Yourself in the Mirror: The Self-Representation of Portuguese and Brazilian Women and Documentary-Filmmakers. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (19), 167–182.


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