Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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A World into the World. Alexander Sokurov and the Museums: Russian Ark and Francofonia


In Aleksandr Sokurov’s films, Russian Ark (Russkiy kovcheg, 2002) and Francofonia (id., 2015), the museums, the Hermitage in St. Petersburg and the Louvre in Paris, become protagonists. The mazy space of the museum, as a place where the great works of art in the world are preserved, is a temple of memory and past. But this wealth of knowledge is not seen by Sokurov exclusively as a treasure of artistic and historical culture and erudition, but also as a theater of the collective imagination of a country.
  • Referencias
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Denis Brotto (2009), Osservare l’incanto. Il cinema e l’arte di Aleksandr Sokurov, Edizioni Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo, Roma.

Arianna Finos (2015), «Alexander Sokurov, film sul Louvre: «L’arte salverà l’Europa»», La Repubblica, 16 dicembre.

Mario Marino (2012), «Arca russa: un atto di visione dialogica sull’umana salvezza», in I corpi del potere. Il cinema di Aleksandr Sokurov, a cura di Mario Pezzella e Antonio Tricomi, Jaca Book, Milano.

Federica Polidoro (2015), «Sokurov ci racconta Francofonia. Terrorismo, arte e fantasmi», ArtTribune, 14 dicembre.

Francofonia. Un film di Alexandr Sokurov. Press Book.
Chiesi, R. (2019). A World into the World. Alexander Sokurov and the Museums: Russian Ark and Francofonia. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (19), 15–24.


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Author Biography

Roberto Chiesi

Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna
Centro Studi – Archivio Pier Paolo Pasolini