Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Overview of Arab Women Filmmakers of Documentaries


This paper provides a general overview of women documentary filmmakers in the Arab world. The text intends to elaborate on these aspects in relation to the condition of women’s roles, their participation in the public sphere and their participation in audiovisual production. Subsequently, it focuses on the analysis of the most remarkable figures, dividing the region in three segments. The first segment approaches the Egyptian cinema, a pioneer in the region. Likewise, in this segment, women’s participation in the Egyptian cinema in its beginning and their participation in the documentary production are addressed. The second segment focuses on the Sham (Syria, Lebanon and Palestine) analyzing the particular characteristics of a region which has gone through several interethnic conflicts and the Palestinian tragedy. The third segment elaborates on the documentary audiovisual production of women filmmakers from the Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia) in relation with their multiple cultural identities which are in turn reflected on their productions. 
  • Referencias
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Bracco, C. (2019). Overview of Arab Women Filmmakers of Documentaries. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (18), 41–52.


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Author Biography

Carolina Bracco

Universidad de Buenos Aires
Licenciada en Ciencia Política por la Universidad de BuenosAires, Magister y Doctora en Culturas Árabe y Hebrea por la Universidad de Granada (España). Se especializó en movimientos de mujeres en el Mundo Árabe, donde residió por varios añosrealizando estancias de investigación. Secretaria de Redacción y Edición de Al Zeytun, revistaiberoamericana de pensamiento, análisis y cultura palestina. Co-directora de la Colección deEstudios de Género de la Editorial Canáan. Directora de Relaciones Institucionales con el MundoÁrabe del Archivo Audiovisual Observatorio Sur. Docente de posgrado en laFacultad de Ciencias Sociales, UBA.