Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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The Feminine Monster. The Uncanny and the Construction of Motherness in Furtivos


The maternal figure embodies one of the most recurrent metaphors in Spanish cinema of late-Francoism and transi-tion, a metaphor that has been read as a device of social criticism towards the dictatorship. Largely due to the sym-bolic connotations that the Franco regime had projected on motherhood, it has been connected with the dictatorial past, functioning on the screen as a monstrous and uncanny personification of the Francoist repressive apparatus. Thus the maternal has become a privileged space for the deployment of film narratives that explore how power rela-tions within the family can be portrayed as a symbol of the relationship between the subject and the State. This arti-cle deals with the representation of the maternal figure in Furtivos (José Luis Borau, 1975), understood as a cultural symptom of the process to-ward the democratic transition in which Spanish society was immersed.
  • Referencias
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Guillamón Carrasco, S. (2018). The Feminine Monster. The Uncanny and the Construction of Motherness in Furtivos. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (17), 173–191.


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