Fonseca, Journal of Communication

Journal out of circulation

Involvement and reconfiguration analysis on YouTube Mexico from case #lady100pesos


In this article, I analyze and discuss the acceptance and involvement degree that professional and amateur videos bring forward on YouTube. I take as a starting point the concept of semantic weaveworks (Muñoz, 2014), as an ob-ject of study, to explain the ways in which hegemonic and alternative meanings located in these kinds of content in-tertwine at the act of watching and consuming videos on said platform. To nurture discussion, I present research re-sults of a case study on YouTube Mexico that retrieved YouTube’s interface statistical information to apply a con-tent analysis research tool. With the record of 364 main videos, 3644 suggested videos and the most 161 popular comments associated with the search term #lady100pesos, I observe that amateur video production in Mexico could raise meaning reconfiguration on themes like corruption and the female body sexualization. I conclude that YouTube could give its different types of users the possibility of integrating themselves into the discussion of media texts using the same audiovisual code that professional media producers. This might imply a change in the way ama-teur producers understand their place and participation in the public debate.
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  • Métricas
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Author Biography

Brenda Azucena Muñoz Yáñez

Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
Profesor Investigador