Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Seven characters seeking out a remake: From Kurosawa to Fuqua through Sturges

  • José M. Lavín
    Universidad Técnica de Ambato josemaria.lavin[at]
  • Álvaro Jiménez Sánchez
    Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Jesús María Navalpotro Sánchez-peinado
    Universidad Técnica de Ambato


The current investigation tries to analyze the play of The seven samurais of Kurosawa (1956), the remake of Sturges (1960) and the Fuqua's version of 2016. Nevertheless, there are more films based on the Japanese film, these two works were studied because they are considered the most relevant in the way of making contextualized adaptations in an occidental country and a determined historical and social moment. The qualitative methodology looks into those aspects that characterize and distinguish like their production, script or characters, which are described and analyzed from a cinematographic critical-discursive point of view. The results show differences according to the film, finding different patterns in the way of making the film despite of telling the same story. It is concluded that the original film and both remakes reflect differences in film composition in regards of the director's style, the cultural context and the symbology used, among other aspects.
  • Referencias
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