Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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The Hays Office and the Two Updated Film Versions of Madeleine Smith’s Case: Letty Lynton (1932) and Dishonored Lady (1947)


The celebrated case of Madeleine Smith, the Glasgow poisoner, who was tried for murder (and absolved) in 1857, has resulted in many novels, plays, films and television series. Hollywood, during its classical period, made two updated versions of the incident: Letty Lynton (Clarence Brown, 1932) and Dishonored Lady (Robert Stevenson, 1947). Even though the two films are separated by more than a decade, the self-censorship introduced by the studios themselves – MPPDA, commonly known as the Hays Office – exercised so much control over the two pictures that they can hardly be taken as equivalent. This article proposes a comparative analysis of the two films and how censorship acted as a constraint on them. Through this study, we will establish the different ways the MPPDA acted towards the same material both before and after July 1934, when Hollywood became subject to the rigorous oversight of the Hays Code.
  • Referencias
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Guiralt Gomar, C. (2016). The Hays Office and the Two Updated Film Versions of Madeleine Smith’s Case: Letty Lynton (1932) and Dishonored Lady (1947). Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 12(12), 183–204.


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Author Biography

Carmen Guiralt Gomar

Universidad de Valencia
Av. de Blasco Ibáñez, 13, 46010 València, Valencia