Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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The Representation of Data as an Informative and Brand-building Element in Sports Competitions

Technological Innovations in the Graphics of LaLiga Santander


Graphics are of paramount importance in today's sports broadcasts, as they contribute to the understanding of the event, define the visual identity of the competitions and promote the spectacularisation of these events. This study focuses on the graphic representations of data in LaLiga Santander football broadcasts. Through a bibliographic-documentary review and four in-depth interviews with LaLiga officials, the aim is to analyse the use of graphics in this competition and to describe the technical tools used to design and develop its audiovisual graphic material. It also seeks to determine the expressive-narrative impact it has on the broadcasts and to identify the human team in charge of this process. This work demonstrates that the graphic representation of data not only has an informative function, but also has an impact on the visual identity of the competition itself and on increasing the attractiveness of its audiovisual products. In this way, techniques such as Live 3D Graphics, 360º replays or the goal probability model influence the narrative of broadcasts and are useful for both football fans and professionals.
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Author Biographies

José Luis Torres-Martín

Universidad de Málaga
PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Malaga. Lecturer and researcher at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University of Malaga since 2011. He is currently a member of the PAIDI research group "Research on Transformations in the Communication Ecosystem (Transcomunicar)" and of the research project "Applications (apps) for the production of live audiovisual texts: functional characteristics and interface analysis". His research interests are transmedia narratives, social networks and gender studies in audiovisual fiction. Author of more than twenty publications, he developed his professional activity as editor, camera operator and producer in different Andalusian media for 16 years.

Andrea Castro-Martínez

Universidad de Málaga
PhD in Public Relations and Advertising from the University of Malaga, Seville, Cadiz and Huelva with International Mention. Lecturer and researcher at the University of Malaga since 2016. For eight years she was deputy director of the Communication and Design degrees at EADE, headquarters of the University of Wales in Malaga, where she also taught the degrees and the MBA. She has a degree in Audiovisual Communication and in Advertising and PR from the UMA, and has studied several experts and an MBA. She has worked in different media and has been a teacher and communication consultant. Author of more than thirty publications, her lines of research are public relations, strategic communication, internal communication, new forms of advertising and communication with a gender perspective.

Pablo Díaz-Morilla

Universidad de Málaga y EADE Universidad-University of Wales Trinity Saint David
PhD in Advertising and PR from the University of Malaga, Seville, Cadiz and Huelva with International Mention. Director and lecturer of the Bachelor's Degree in Communication at EADE University of Wales in Malaga since 2007 and of the Higher Artistic Education in Design at the León XIII Educational Institution in Malaga since 2014. He holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the UMA and is an Expert in Marketing 3.0 from the UNIR. He has been a lecturer and researcher in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of Malaga. Author of more than fifteen publications, his lines of research focus on the application of hybrid forms of advertising to commercial communication, organisational communication, internal communication, audiovisual and transmedia narratives