Fonseca, Journal of Communication

Journal out of circulation

Telegram for the Exercise of Internal Communication

Analysis of its Use in Spanish Speaking Universities

  • Rodrigo Cisternas-Osorio
    Universidad de Casa Grande
  • Alberto J. López Navarrete
    Universitat Politècnica de València allona2[at]
  • Margarita Cabrera-Méndez
    Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Rebeca Díez-Somavilla
    Universitat Politècnica de València


The digital communication of higher education institutions has acquired great importance in the design of university policies, increasing the digital channels where the institutions have a presence.This study analyzes the digital communication of Spanish-speaking universities through the messaging application Telegram. The official accounts of the most active universities in Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile, and Spain were located and analyzed. In addition, open surveys were conducted with the heads of the three leading Spanish universities on the use of Telegram. Through a quantitative and qualitative methodology, applied to categories extracted from Telegram channels, the formats, objectives, and theme of the messages were observed, as well as the use of emojis, hashtags, and links.As a result of the research, we highlight the unidirectional use of Telegram channels; the preferential usage of the picture as support for the text; and the identification of three channel categories. Finally, in LATAM countries, the use of Telegram as a communication channel was analyzed in universities, in which it is a minority.
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