Fonseca, Journal of Communication

Journal out of circulation

Science Communication on Instagram for Children: The Cases of @muyinteresantejunior and @revistacucu


Science communication for children is an essential issue in the context of advanced technological societies, not only in order to understand the nature of scientific advances but also to increase interest in science from a very early age and, in short, to raise the scientific culture of citizens. The main objective of this research is to analyse and describe the different strategies for communicating science to children and young audiences, which are carried out on social media by publica-tions focused on these audiences. Specifically, two children’s magazines aimed at audiences of different ages («Muy In-teresante Junior» and «Revista Cucú») are proposed as case studies. The way in which they construct their message on the social network Instagram, the platform most followed by these audiences, is described and analysed. Using a mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology of content analysis, the research studies the strategies, both visual and textual, used by the aforementioned publications to target children’s audiences, qualifying, quantifying and categorising the nar-ratives of the publications on the social network aimed at these audiences. The study concludes by showing a typology of communicative strategies and different forms of text and image interaction, which clearly varies according to the age range of the audience.
  • Referencias
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