Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Artificial Intelligence and Journalism: an Approach to the Portuguese Context


In recent years, various newspapers around the world have used algorithms and artificial intelligence in news produc-tion. In Portugal, the examples of news production using these technologies are rare, as are the studies on the subject. The incipient work that relates artificial intelligence and algorithms to journalism in Portugal is detectable in the Con-gresses of Sopcom. Among the 18 communications presented in the last decade (2011-2021), only one deals with the technological implications in journalistic routines, and none include the perceptions of journalists about the phenome-non, which justifies the importance of this work. In this article, based on the methodology that combines the theoreti-cal review and the application of a pre-test questionnaire to journalists (N=17) of the four national daily newspapers with the largest circulation: Correio da Manhã, Diário de Notícias, Jornal de Notícias and Público, we highlight three aspects: the lack of knowledge of journalistic content that uses artificial intelligence; openness to the use of artificial in-telligence and the need for training of journalists on the subject. This research has an exploratory scope and intends to extend it in the future, with the distribution of the survey to a larger number of journalists.
  • Referencias
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