Fonseca, Journal of Communication

Journal out of circulation

Resilient Silence

Analysis of Women’s Inequality as Authors of Opinion Content in Local Press

  • Belén Galletero-Campos
    Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha belen.galletero[at]
  • Vanesa Saiz Echezarreta
    Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha


Scientific evidence has corroborated an underrepresentation of women in opinion journalism, in line with the pattern of exclusion of women's voice in the public sphere. This paper explores this phenomenon from the perspective of local journalism: it quantifies the production of opinion texts during two weeks in 53 local media in Castilla-La Mancha, analyses the pieces (n=662) and observes the factors that indicate the imbalance through six interviews with women that collaborate in opinion content. The data are interpreted on the basis of a reflection on how journalistic logics legitimise as authoritative voices those who present themselves with confidence, charisma and security, reinforcing the structural conditions of male privilege. The solution does not lie in favouring the incorporation of exceptional women as speakers, but in rethinking what media consider legitimate discourse, and the ways in which communicative justice can be promoted.
  • Referencias
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Galletero-Campos, B., & Saiz Echezarreta, V. (2022). Resilient Silence: Analysis of Women’s Inequality as Authors of Opinion Content in Local Press. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (25), 149–163.


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