Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Training Needs around Digital Teaching Competence: a Systematic Review

  • Viviana Betancur Chicué
    Universidad de Salamanca vbetancur21[at]
  • Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso
    Universidad de Salamanca


The study of the level of digital competences in teachers (CDD) has been guided in recent years by references such as the European Framework of Digital Competence of teachers DigCompEdu and its adaptation to the Spanish Common Framework of Digital Competence of Teachers of the INTEF. In this sense, the article seeks to identify the areas of digital competence that the literature refers to with less development in university teachers, as well as the strategies and training needs in this field. To respond to these objectives, a systematic literature review methodology is used, the protocol created is described, the results are presented and the main conclusions are that the area with the least development of CDD is "teaching and learning" ( according to the DigComEdu reference), requiring the implementation of teacher training plans focused on practice and methodological renewal, using agile and flexible formats adjusted to the particular conditions of the teams of teachers.
  • Referencias
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Betancur Chicué, V., & García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso, A. (2022). Training Needs around Digital Teaching Competence: a Systematic Review. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (25), 133–147.


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Author Biographies

Viviana Betancur Chicué

Universidad de Salamanca
PhD Candidate in Training in the Knowledge Society, University of Salamanca. Teacher and advisor, Universidad de la Salle, Colombia. Member of the research group: Innovation and Digital Education (

Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso

Universidad de Salamanca
Professor of Educational Technology and Director of the Official Master in ICT in Education, University of Salamanca. Member of the research group: Innovation and Digital Education ( of the Department of Didactics, Organization and Research Methods, Faculty of Education. 