Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Influence and Evolution of the Internet in the Communication of Science and its Sources


The Internet is an invention that has revolutionized communications and the history of human civilization. Scientists —broadly speaking— have been the pioneers, creators and early users of the different advances of the Internet and have made it possible for them to later spread to the rest of society. This article shows how the Internet has become a basic tool since its origins for the Communication of Science and its sources, influencing and improving its work. From the beginning, science communicators or journalists have taken advantage of the different tools and applications that have emerged in the evolution of the Internet: from the "veteran" Internet (email, web, mailing lists, discussion forums, etc.) to Web 2.0 (blogs, wikis, social networks, podcasts, streaming, etc.). Likewise, the possibilities of virtualization (cloud computing, virtual and augmented reality, metaverse) are pointed out to mark the present and future of the Internet.
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