Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Narrative Juxtaposition through Metafiction

Comparative Analysis of The Purple Rose of Cairo and The Matrix Resurrections


One of the characteristics that defines Woody Allen's cinema are the references to the seventh art. His characters are constantly seen going to cinematographic projections. Undoubtedly, the most iconic of these situations in his filmography occurs in The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985), where the reality-fiction dichotomy merges, with the characters transcending their respective narratives. Starting from the idea that Buster Keaton developed in Sherlock Jr. (1924), Allen recovers Keaton's memory by reworking the idea of ??the permeability between both narratives, allowing the director to reinterpret the Platonic allegory of the cave through the characters of the story, slaves to a script that they perform over and over again. Similarly, the fourth instalment in the Matrix saga introduces a new self-aware and metafictional world. With The Matrix Resurrections (2021) Lana Wachowski adds a twist to the fictional system of the Matrix, creating a Matrix within the Matrix.The objective of this communication is to present an approach to the use of metafiction starting from the juxtaposition between both narratives, which entails a transgression of the levels of the narrative.
  • Referencias
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  • Métricas
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Cabello Bustos, M. J. (2022). Narrative Juxtaposition through Metafiction: Comparative Analysis of The Purple Rose of Cairo and The Matrix Resurrections. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (24), 201–210.


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Author Biography

María Jesús Cabello Bustos

Universidad de Córdoba
Doctora en Patrimonio por la Universidad de Córdoba Máster Universitario en Cinematografía por la Universidad de Córdoba Máster Universitario en Interpretación e investigación musical por la Universidad Internacional de Valencia Profesora Superior de Piano por el Conservatorio Superior de M´úsica de Córdoba Profesora Superior de Solfeo, transposición y teoría de la música por el Conservatorio Superior de M´úsica de Córdoba En 2008 obtuvo la plaza en propiedad como Profesora de piano por la Junta de Andalucía