Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Democratising Science through Art

The Value of Bioart for Technoethics


The consequences derived from the scientific-technological practices developed in recent centuries —many of them harmful, even irreversible— are well known; in order to try to solve them, formulas for interdisciplinary dialogue are being sought to reconcile and connect science with politics. Considering art as a mediator between the two has proved satisfactory insofar as its free, critical, and plastic nature allows an unbiased communication between science and society; and it also transmits its contents from audiovisual media, which attracts the attention of the public. Bioart is proposed as the optimal artistic current for the intended purpose, due to the emotion it provokes —from its scientific and biotechnological preparation—, the manipulation of life for aesthetic purposes (never before seen in the history of art), and due to its informative dimension with of vindictive and moral politics, which forces the viewer —inevitably— to reflect on issues that are alien to everyday life.
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