Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Cine y mitología de los orígenes en el nacionalismo norteamericano: el último mohícano


Cinema and nationalism show an interesting and ongoing relationship, especially through genres like epic, historical or adventure. We study in this article this relationship from the film "The Last of the Mohicans", directed by Michael Mann in 1992, which presents key elements for understanding the importance of the conformation of the myths about the origins of the American nation. The film, like the popular novel which it is based on, focuses on key aspects and periods of nationalist movements, in addition to fitting in with the cultural movement of Romanticism and its peculiar way of assessing the historical past and the origins of cultures and nations.
  • Referencias
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ADAMS, W. P. (1984): Los Estados Unidos de América. Madrid: Siglo XXI.

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CALVO, F. (1982): Ilustración y romanticismo. Barcelona : Gustavo Gili.

COOPER, J.F. (edición de Urbano Viñuela) (1997): El último mohicano. Madrid: Cátedra.

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VIÑUELA, U. (1997): “Introducción”, en El último mohicano. Madrid: Cátedra.
Menéndez Fernández, R. (2010). Cine y mitología de los orígenes en el nacionalismo norteamericano: el último mohícano. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (1), 151–186. Retrieved from

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