Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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The master plot in the audiovisual narrative. The western case.


A plot provides us the story that it offers a hyphen and later a film. Plots are limited, however possibilities, argument them that these offer music infinite. At the same time, we can say that all cultures avail themselves of some plots and similar arguments to structure their mythical stories. In addition, United States is the modern nation where better a dialectic relation between the myth and story keeps. At this nation, the significance of the event has been shown and you have gotten free through the myth. We will see through this article how the western is the kind of American cinema what else and better answer for the folkloric traditional story to the cánones, because your plots have been taken directly of the classical legends.
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González Sánchez, J. F. (2010). The master plot in the audiovisual narrative. The western case. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, (1), 317–319. Retrieved from


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