Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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From the coexistence of representation models to the crystallization of a new model: The Rear Window


Noël Burch stablished the basis for the systematization of the different models of cinematographic representation. The essential focus of his arguments, which were exposed in The skylight of infinity, is that the different models of representation are distinguished by the position of the viewer on the narration. Taking in account this starting point, Burch identifies two models: the Primitive Model of Representation (PMR), governed by a frontal glance which is out of the narrative world, and the Institutional Model of Representation (IMR) characterized by the ubiquity of a glance which is interior to that world. Starting by this methological consideration of study, this article traces the coexistence of both models in Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window; specifically how they cohabited and how they both were articulated in the filmic text. So as the crystallization of a third model characterized by an independent glance which is connected to the camera.
  • Referencias
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Sánchez Sánchez, F. M. (2014). From the coexistence of representation models to the crystallization of a new model: The Rear Window. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 9(9), 175–206. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Francisco Manuel Sánchez Sánchez

Universidad de Córdoba
Licenciado en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Córdoba – Doctorando en Patrimonio en la Universidad de Córdoba