Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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El recurso de la inventio en la adaptación cinematográfica del Lazarillo de Tormes


In this article it is highlighted the importance of one of the many resources that filmmakers use when shown the screen version: la inventio. La inventio is a resort classed as expansion. To see its effectiveness and multiple purposes, it is used the anonymous work of the 16th century, El Lazarillo de Tormes, as model, and the adaptations done by Fernando Fernán Gómez at the beginning of 21st century. In this analysis it is shown the multiple functions “la invention” involved, and how the adaptor is using it on his own way to stamp his mark of the work and its staging. By studying it, it will be able to understand the wheels which organize the audio-visual stories and realized, moreover, how this kind of research is also interesting for those scriptwriters who want to be soaked with the internal mechanisms of composition developed in the adaptations, as by means of its analysis the techniques that authors created to staging the adapted story and how those have solved the interpretation problems of a work beyond its creation.
  • Referencias
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Moriche Hermoso, P. J. (2012). El recurso de la inventio en la adaptación cinematográfica del Lazarillo de Tormes. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 4(4), 104–117. Retrieved from


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