Fonseca, Journal of Communication

Journal out of circulation

Creativity and audiovisual production online: the case of the Andalusian serial “Niña Repelente”

  • Carmen Silva Robles
    Universitat Oberta de Catalunya carmen.silva[at]
  • Rodrigo Elías Zambrano
    Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
  • Gloria Jiménez Marín
    Universidad de Sevilla


The Web 2.0 has done that young designers can generate and disseminate audiovisual content through social media, without having to go through the usual channels of distribution, until now essential. By the P.C. or the P.D.A. receptors await eager to consume video, an activity that increasingly spend more hours... with a fundamental difference: we have to watch the TV for online audiovisual consume more in other systems and transmitters. With this background, in Andalusia we live the birth of series, considered and of worship, which have shown the potential of our young artists. However, the periodical of chapters is a financial investment that most of them can not afford. Meanwhile, media agencies are faced with the phenomenon of online advertising. The executives are before expectants receivers and content experiences: these are the keys to advertising 2.0. And from here, the pieces begin to function: some have the ideas, content, others funding. That is the Movistar case, the leader telephony company in Spain, and “Niña Repelente”, an online serie that has had the greatest impact in recent years. The sponsorship agreement signed in 2010 has led to the dissemination of the series in Myspace, the social network of more use among native Spanish youth. The case in question gives rise to this paper that analyzes the keys to these changes in different phases of audiovisual production (creation, distribution, consumption) while studying the critical variables and open questions for the world communication from the latest trends in Web applications.
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Silva Robles, C., Elías Zambrano, R., & Jiménez Marín, G. (2012). Creativity and audiovisual production online: the case of the Andalusian serial “Niña Repelente”. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 4(4), 2–22. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

Carmen Silva Robles

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Comunicación. Campus Universitario de Jerez. Avda. de la Universidad, 11405, Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz

Rodrigo Elías Zambrano

Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
Universidad de Sevilla. Grupo de Investigación en Comunicación Política, Ideología y Propaganda

Gloria Jiménez Marín

Universidad de Sevilla
Departamento: Comunicación Audiovisual, Publicidad y Literatura