Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Quantitative analysis of Internet television and video (WebTV): A study of formats, content, and source

  • José Borja Arjona Martín
    Universidad de Málaga borjarjona[at]
  • Juan Salvador Victoria Mas
    Universidad de Málaga


Due to the significant increase in the last five years of audiovisual content distribution over the web, this paper is focused on a study aimed at the description and classification of a wide sample of audiovisual initiatives whose access is carried out by means of the World Wide Web. The purpose of this study is to promote the debate concerning the different names of these incipient media, as well as their categorization and description so that an organised universe of the WebTV phenomenon could be provided. An analysis of formats and content is carried out on the basis of quantitative techniques in order to propose a categorization typology. These formats and content will be studied under three key variables: "Content", "Origin" and "Domain .tv". "Content" will help us define the programmatic lines of our study sample; “Source” refers to the source of a particular item of study (“Native WebTV or WebTV representative of a conventional media) and "" will specify the proportion of case studies hosted with domain .tv. The results obtained in this study will offer the researchers and the professionals a comprehensive description of the models currently adopted in the field of video and television on the net.
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Arjona Martín, J. B., & Victoria Mas, J. S. (2011). Quantitative analysis of Internet television and video (WebTV): A study of formats, content, and source. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 3(3), 42–71. Retrieved from


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Author Biographies

José Borja Arjona Martín

Universidad de Málaga
Investigador en el Dpto. de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad. Universidad de Málaga

Juan Salvador Victoria Mas

Universidad de Málaga
Profesor titular en el Dpto. de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad. Universidad de Málaga