Fonseca, Journal of Communication

Journal out of circulation

Mentors or Directors of Thesis, is he author?


Over time, with the profound changes in the learning and in research provided by technological advances, and especially because of the extreme value of higher education and scientific research, there is an intense discussion around the old and worn slogan "publish or perish". Increasingly, mentors or directors of thesis and university papers, en general, put themselves as first author or coauthor of work performed by their students, by the argument that the author, as activity and process, suffers herself social, cultural, economic and political mutations. This is a topic that arouses controversy and leads to conceptual changes, which require the deconstruction of its foundations, which, however, must respect the ethic behaviour
  • Referencias
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Targino, M. das G. (2011). Mentors or Directors of Thesis, is he author?. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 2(2), 19–34. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

María das Graças Targino

Universidad Federal de Paraíba
Profesora Colaboradora en el Programa de Postgrado en Ciencias de la Información, Universidad Federal de Paraíba, João Pessoa – Paraíba, Brasil