Fonseca, Journal of Communication

Journal out of circulation

The stereotype as a mechanism of the national identity desintegration. The case of My big fat Greek wedding


The cultural industry takes advantage of the evocative power of the stereotype to construct discourses easily identified with the public. The audiovisual machinery, especially Hollywood, employs this narrative mechanism to disintegrate the cultural features that shape the identity of a social group. Positive ethnic characteristics are quickly integrated into its culture; however, negative aspects are converted into stereotypes that serve to caricature the donor nation. This affront to the peripheral cultures tries at the same time to reinforce and consolidate the weak North American identity.
  • Referencias
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González Sánchez, José Félix (2008): El héroe del western crepuscular. Dinosaurios de Sam Peckinpah. Fundamentos: Madrid.

Jung, Carl (1953): Metamorfosis del héroe y sus símbolos. Paidós: Barcelona.

Jung, Carl (1990): Arquetipos e inconsciente colectivo. Paidós: Barcelona.

Ortiz de Zárate, Amaya (1996): “Seducción y desvanecimiento de la realidad en el spot publicitario” en Trama y Fondo, nº 1. Madrid.
Gónzalez Sánchez, J. F. (2011). The stereotype as a mechanism of the national identity desintegration. The case of My big fat Greek wedding. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 2(2), 2–17. Retrieved from


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