Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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The representation of women and gender roles in sports television news


Television is window to a constructed reality with which not all individuals identify. The reason behind this research lies in the observation of different representation of men and women in sports television news. This article approaches two aspects of representation: the first one is the under-representation of women and the second one addresses how gender roles and traditional stereotypes are passed on through both image and discourse. In the first case, the overwhelming presence of male sports, especially football, often exclude women and sports in which they are represented. In the second case, women are depicted as a sexualized object and in the role of a self-sacrificing mother; also present are examples of ridiculing or ignoring women. The results of this research reflect on this situation which restricts the abilities of the women in sports in the 21st century and at the same time maintains androcentric outlook on sport.
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Calvo Ortega, E. (2014). The representation of women and gender roles in sports television news. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 8(8), 111–129. Retrieved from


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